Could The Type Of Job You Have Negatively Impact Your Life Insurance Policy?

When you go in for life insurance, the agent is going to go over your lifestyle with you. Most people know that the insurance company is going to be concerned about their health, but they might not think about the type of work that they do. If you do something on a daily basis that could cause them to have to pay out a claim, then they are going to want to know about it and it could give them pause on giving you a policy.

What Jobs Are Considered Hazardous?

There are some jobs that are considered more dangerous than others. Professions that may cause an insurance provider to decline your policy or charge you a higher rate include:

  • Loggers
  • Deep Sea Fishermen
  • Roofers
  • Construction Workers
  • Steel Workers
  • Firefighters
  • Policemen

From the insurance provider's perspective, someone working one of these professions is more likely to get hurt. This means the company is more likely to have to pay out a claim.

Some surprising occupations insurance companies find hazardous are recyclable collections and farming. Any job where you work with dangerous equipment on a daily basis can be viewed as hazardous by an insurance provider. Each insurance company has a different scale of danger when it comes to occupations. Using their scale, the insurance company will determine whether your job disqualifies you from a policy or what your additional premium might be.

Can You Still Get Insurance with a Hazardous Job?

Getting life insurance with a hazardous job is a lot like getting life insurance with a serious illness. While there are some insurance providers who will not have you, there are also plenty who will. You just have to be willing to pay a higher premium as any insurance company is going to consider you to be a risk because of your occupation.

Why Does Having a Hazardous Job Matter?

You rate comes down to the amount of time or years you are expected to live. This is accessed by your health and your lifestyle. That's why it costs more if you have had a heart attack or have been diagnosed with cancer. By working a hazardous job, you increase your risk of dying sooner than you would otherwise from the point of view of the insurance company.

Life insurance is a vital investment for your family. If you work in a dangerous profession, it is even more important for you to have life insurance in place in case something was to happen to you. Thankfully, many companies do offer life insurance even for those who put their lives in danger on a daily basis. With a little patience, you can find the right policy for you and your family. Start talking to companies like Amberg Insurance Center Inc to find a policy that's right for you.
