Just because a tree fell down on your property does not mean that your insurance will cover the cost of removing it. Your homeowner's insurance will only kick in when a tree falls down and a particular scenario ensures. Here are five scenarios you may encounter with a falling tree and how each of these scenarios will most likely play out with your homeowner's insurance.
#1 The Tree Falls In The Street
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Three Tips For Making The Retirement Benefits Package You Give To Your Employees Attractive And Robust
Employee benefits packages are great for established companies for both tax and retention purposes. Even if you don't offer the highest salaries in your industry, your employees will be very reluctant to give up a great benefits package that's designed in such a way to minimize hassle and stress. To make the retirement portion of your benefits package as attractive and robust as possible, use these three tips.
Give Your Employees The Ability To Invest In Index Funds As Well As Mutual Funds
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Three Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Auto Insurance
With summer vacation now in your rear-view mirror, September is an ideal time to sit down and take a closer look at your household finances. An effective way to save some money is to think about your auto insurance bill and come up with some ways to reduce the amount that you pay. While you can commonly lower this bill over time, thanks to safe driving, there are other methods you can adopt that can lead to quicker savings.
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Questions To Ask Before Getting Boat Insurance
Are you thinking of getting a boat or watercraft? Have you heard about boat insurance and need more information on the topic? If you're just starting out as a boating hobbyist, these questions will help you be more informed about what boat insurance does and does not do:
What kind of damage to your boat does the insurance cover?
It depends on the type of coverage you choose. If you choose comprehensive, your policy can cover you if you hit a rock in the water, some types of damage on newer engines, or hurricane and storm damage.
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